Welcome to DBE Makers
Welcome to DBE Makers wiki, your one stop for all information about Design & Built Environment's Makerspace, Workshop, Fashion and facilities within Curtin University. Please click on one of the links below to be redirected to each facilities resources.
Getting Started
Before you can proceed to enter and use these facilities you must book an induction and read the policies and procedures.
- Review our Procedures and Policies
- Complete all necessary inductions.
DBE Makerspace
Contact Us
Have a burning question? Please send one of the DBE Maker teams and email here:
Area | Name | Room | Telephone |
Fabrication | Amy, Daniel, Joshua & Sarah | 418:114 | 9266 4034 |
Multimedia & Signage | Cameron Whiting | 418:121 | 9266 7056 |
Bookings (Collaboration Hub) | Kyle Critchett | 418:105 | 9266 7351 |
Paper Printing (Collaboration Hub) | Debbi Burnett | 418:105 | 9266 7667 |
Exhibitions | Richelle Doney | 418:121 | 9266 7119 |
Wood Workshop | Unavailable. Please visit their physical locations for requests. | 202.153 | 9266 2309 |
Metal Workshop | 202.153 | 9266 2822 | |
Fashion | 212.117 | 9266 2013 |